Residing and working in California’s Central Coast, John Rose is philosophically struggling with what could be arguably described as an erosion of American ideals under current leadership. His posts consist of apolitical critical observations of those that purport to be making America great again.
The purpose of this site is not just a vehicle for me to rant on-and-on about topics of relative insignificance, but to afford a forum to those that do not embrace the current philosophies/policies that are being promoted by the current administration in the United States.
The blog …or forum if you will …is NOT political in the conventional definition of the term, as the focus is on the country and NOT on individual political parties that are often more self-serving than altruistically laboring for the greater good.
The posts, and comments to posts, will not only address trends that are objectionable, but WHY they are objectionable based on empirical evidence…and ideally offer suggestions as how to reverse those objectionable trends, or at least neutralizing them.
Again, this is NOT a vehicle to simply complain about life, but addressing two inter-related areas, specifically: