As suggested by the adjacent images these posts are from an old grunt that enlisted in ‘67 thinking it was my civic responsibility to do so (173rd ABN in the RVN).
While the 60’s later years were difficult for the Country with the assassinations of Kennedy and King, dealing with SDS’s Weatherman chaos, the Panthers, and Viet Nam dissension … those I was close to, be it in a university setting as a philosophy major or in the Central Highlands as a line soldier…crackers, Panthers or conscientious objectors…ALL had respect for the Country’s founding principles, although they may have had issues in the attainment of those principles.
The Country is seen to be in an even more fragile state now, with leadership [sic] that has neither the experience nor desire to work for the greater good.
Now residing and working in California’s Central Coast, I (John Rose) am struggling with what could be arguably described as an erosion of American ideals under what poses for leadership. My posts consist of apolitical critical observations of those that purport to be making America great again. I may be "old school" but I do not want to witness social regression ...or worse.
Please read and comment on what I see as a tipping point for the Country.